Why Blogging?

Blogging? Bruhh sound so dull to me. Maybe that is what in some people mind about blogging. But man believe me, blogging is way more fun than you think. Most of people think that blogging is just writting and you post it in the internet. You are wrong if you think blogging is just only that, it’s way more than that. Here is some reason why blogging is more fun than you think.

1.      Tell the world your story, express yourself!
Yes, express yourself! Blogging is just like a diary, you can write your journey in it. Just like a canvas, you can express you feeling through the words in it. You can write everything you like! Literally everything. Just make sure its decent enough to read by others.
2.      Share your passion, make connection!
When you write article, mostly you will write something you like. Then other people who have the same interest will read your article. And even discuss it with you!  And from that, ofcourse you can make a great connection. Well it’s always good to know someone who has the same passion.
3.      Share your knowledge, help others!
Anything you write is a new knowledge to someone. Notice it or not, everytime you post your writing in the internet you just help someone. Either you just help someone who curious about something or you just help students who seek for the answer of their assignment. Now that’s a way to be more useful person.
4.      You just build your ladder to success!
For those who have a dream to be an authors and writers, blogging is an great way to start your journey. The more you write, the better your article will be. And the more loyal reader you’ll have, or should i say the bigger fanbase you get. We already heard so many story of a writer and influencer who start their career from blog. And who knows maybe one day you will be like them.
5.      You’ll earn money!
Yup you read it, you can earn money! Well i know it took a very long time to get money with blog. Well not very long if you keep the blog updates and full of fun stuff. And when your reader growth bigger maybe you can sell some ads. Or even better, use your blog to advertise your own product. In other word you market your own business, smart right?
6.      The more you publish, the more you become confident.
If in the past we often limited to “local.” Now internet makes no border by geography. The whole world could see what is in your blog. To write is one thing, but publish it in the internet is another thing. To let the others see and read what your journey, thought and opinion is take courage and willingness. If you publish regularly eventually you’ll be more confident.

I already told you all the fun and benefit while running a blog. Now it’s your turn to let the whole world hear your “voice”. Have fun blogging!
