
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018

Random Story: Legend

I need to tell you a story about this man name Legend. He’s extremely talented and has the ability to discover the imposible things in this world. He has a dream to create a heroine who can shoot missile very accurate to the atmosphere. He call it operation Legend. He’s a fun person and always full of excitement. He has collection of historical things in his garage. He organize it very well even though he knows it’s forbidden to keep those stuff. Fortunately he has an unordinary face. He’s handsomeness is very limted in our generation. Sometimes I think his face and act is very unrealistic. Maybe that’s why he called Legend.

The Famous Millennials

Millennials, I guess we’re all not strange to this word. But do you really know them or just familiar to their name? So let’s get to know with this generation a little bit. Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generation who born after the generation X. They born between the early 1980s to mid 1990s. Two of the biggest event they experience is the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Great Recession. With the Great Recession has had a major impact in their life. When it comes to Gen Y you can’t get far from talking about tech. Growing up when the technology is significantly develop, Gen Y is not a stranger to today tech. That’s what make Gen Y is really different to the generations above them, they’re digital native. These days the generations before them complain a lot about the millennials getting too attach to technology. But I believe not all the millennials like that. Its all back to each person how do they react to the tech. The “lazy” generation, maybe that’

Why Blogging?

Blogging? Bruhh sound so dull to me. Maybe that is what in some people mind about blogging. But man believe me, blogging is way more fun than you think. Most of people think that blogging is just writting and you post it in the internet. You are wrong if you think blogging is just only that, it’s way more than that. Here is some reason why blogging is more fun than you think. 1.       Tell the world your story, express yourself! Yes, express yourself! Blogging is just like a diary, you can write your journey in it. Just like a canvas, you can express you feeling through the words in it. You can write everything you like! Literally everything. Just make sure its decent enough to read by others. 2.       Share your passion, make connection! When you write article, mostly you will write something you like. Then other people who have the same interest will read your article. And even discuss it with you!  And from that, ofcourse you can make a great connection. Well it’s always